Being heard is fundamental to feeling respected and recognised…
So the chances are, if you are regularly talked over or feel invisible in your meetings, you're also feeling pretty unresourceful and overlooked right now.
And I hear you. No pun intended. 😉
Over the years I have been coaching, I’d say 70% of my clients struggle with this issue too at first…
But once they learn the techniques needed to build presence and authority…
Share their thoughts and interject with confidence…
And learn how to gain support for their ideas too, everything changes.
A lot of your career challenges will likely be overcome...
... as soon as you start shifting the perception that your stakeholders might currently have of you and build critical visibility as you do it.
If you want to learn how to build visibility authentically, I am teaching a lot about this in my free Leadership Unlocked Masterclass right now …grab your spot and I'll see you inside.